Although many outdoor tracks work with Rental karts all year round, many others have a peak of activity in summer time and during autumn and winter they can plan what will be their next season. More or less the same process, but with reversed seasons, applies to indoor tracks which have their peak of activity in winter instead. During this time of budgets and planning, their own kart fleet is at the center of the attention of track managers. It is necessary to evaluate the maintenance planning, the value on the market of second-hand’s go-karts if commuting them, the depreciation values ​​and all those useful parameters to understand how it is more convenient to act.

And it is exactly in these moments that the support of the CRG consultants can be an enormous added value, as they can help managers to draw up an exchange plan for new karts, make a new amortization plan and give specific assessments on the economic value of the owned vehicles, or any maintenance costs thereof. For CRG, consulting is a mission to guide its customers in the most correct choices and comes before any product proposal. Each track has different needs and being able to highlight the best and customized solutions has always been CRG’s goal in this highly professional market.

For those racetracks located in some holiday resorts for example, it is normal that during summer time, when they are at the top of their activity, they only have energy for ordinary management, but when the workload slows down, they need to look at the future, taking the right time to make informed choices. At this stage it is also possible to spend a day to visit the CRG Factory, as it will be an opportunity, not only to meet its consultants, but also to witness the production processes and attention to quality standards with one’s own eyes, as well as to get the chance to see live all the go-karts in the Rental range at the company showroom.

For more information on CRG’s Rental line, please write to: